Online School of
IT Professions
Teaching |
to work in the world's best it-companies
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Form goals
We choose the course according to the level of knowledge
Demonstrating the learning process
Comprehensive training from zero to employment
Intensive courses
With a mentor, a code review, a graduation project, and deadlines
Web site layout basics
Complete Java Script training
Python: Machine Learning
UX/UI design: PRO level
Android: advanced level
SEO for Everyone
Search advertising
Node.js server-side JavaScript
Web development for beginners
Vue.js advanced web development
React.js: developing mobile apps
Python Basics
UX/UI design: basic level
Android: basic level
Social Media Marketing
Comprehensive PHP course
Video courses
No mentors or deadlines. Learn at your own pace
  • Vue. Key Features
    MID / 24 lessons, 1 hour 43m
    In this video course you will get acquainted with the main features of Vue.js framework, as well as learn how to apply these features in practice.
  • Spring Boot 2.x + HATEOAS
    MID / 17 lessons, 1 hour 40m
    Some Java programming experience is sufficient to pass. Ultimate IDEA and the basics of Git are desirable. For beginners and novices.
  • Making a game on Unity
    NEW / 11 lessons, 2 hours 10m
    A course on creating a platformer game on unity. In 11 tutorials you will make your own analog of Mario.
  • Writing an API in NodeJS
    NEW / 6 lessons, 1 hour 3m
    In this course, you will write an API in NodeJS that will work with the performers in your database. You will be able to read, add, update, delete data using the API
  • SPA development
    NEW / 19 lessons, 2 hours 13m
    In this course, you will learn how to deploy a site with a domain on a virtual machine in the cloud.
  • SEO basics
    NEW / 23 lessons, 3 hours 40m
    In simple words about the promotion of sites. This course is suitable for beginners SEO-professionals.
  • Java for Android developers
    NEW / 13 lessons, 1 hour 48m
    The course is designed for future Android developers. The course covers the basic features of the language, its syntax and elements.
  • Creating a dynamic website
    MID / 12 lessons, 2 hours 22m
    The course will disassemble the basic principles of the dynamic site, you will learn the basic concepts of PHP and JS, learn to work with AJAX, databases, forms
  • Programmer's ABCs
    NEW / 21 lessons, 1 hour 37m
    The course is suitable for novice developers, for those who are just choosing the direction in development and want to better understand the existing terminology in IT.
  • Workflow
    MID / 5 lessons, 50m
    The course will refresh your knowledge of Git, Terminal, Npm, and allow you to take a fresh look at some aspects of working with these development tools.
  • Basics of JavaScript
    NEW / 14 lessons, 2 hours 16m
    The course deals with the basic concepts and basic features of the language, without knowledge of which you can not start working with JavaScript. This course is suitable for novice developers.
  • Application design
    MID / 15 lessons, 1 hour 31m
    The course is suitable for web designers with at least six months of experience. You will need a basic knowledge of interface design and UX/UI design.
    MID / 11 lessons, 1 hour 17m
    This technology represents a set of CSS properties that help you flexibly and conveniently manage page layouts.
  • HTML basics
    NEW / 23 lessons, 1 hour 45m
    In this course we will learn about the HTML markup language (Hypertext Markup Language). We'll look at its structure, its features, and its uses.
  • GIT
    NEW / 12 lessons, 1 hour 29m
    Git is a popular system for storing program code, categorized as a version control system. Version control systems are important in software projects that have multiple developers working on them simultaneously.
  • Site layout – a quick start
    NEW / 42 lessons, 4 hours 42m
    What will happen in the course: we will create a template with a static layout; learn how to write markup for elements and style them; implement the interactive parts using JavaScript.
  • Terminal
    NEW / 13 lessons, 49m
    The video course will talk about the basics of the console, consider the basic commands and figure out why a web developer needs the console.
  • Basics of Internet project
    MID / 3 lessons, 3 hours 49m
    The course will answer the questions of the novice developer: how to develop an Internet project? Do you need a team or is it better to work alone? etc.
What is IT Identity Academy?
Let's talk about our approach to training and how we made it effective.
  • A lamplight atmosphere
    No boring and boring "uncles" like in other schools. At IT Identity Academy you will be taught in a rock-and-roll atmosphere.
  • Impeccable reputation
    Since 2012, IT Identity Academy has established itself as the most intensive and rigorous IT training school.
  • Heartfelt and caring
    We have developed a whole system of caring love for the client. A personal mentor and mentor will be there for you in every situation.
  • Top Teachers
    Our teachers and mentors are current IT experts from companies such as Avito, Mojang (Minecraft) and others.
  • Employment
    We teach to market requirements and our graduates are immediately ready for employment without unnecessary internships.
  • Guarantee
    If you don't like us, we'll give you your money back. If you get sick, we'll move your training to another stream.
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